Since 1941, the City of Decatur has partnered with the Macon County SWCD to assist landowners within the Lake Decatur watershed to implement practices that reduce the amount of sediment carried into the Upper Sangamon River, eventually settling in Lake Decatur. With dredging costs on the rise and a continued need for more storage in Lake Decatur, the City of Decatur and local SWCDs are joining forces to reduce soil erosion.

The Lake Decatur Watershed Program (LDWP) offers 60% cost assistance to landowners, up to $5,000/ practice. Applicable practices include:

-Grassed Waterways        -Wetlands           -Structures

-Terraces                         -Filter Strips         – Streambank restoration

Practices are assessed by determining how much soil could be saved and how cost efficient the practice would be. If approved, Macon & Piatt SWCDs will work with the landowner to develop design plans and oversee construction throughout the project

Over half of Piatt County is located within the Lake Decatur watershed, qualifying for cost share assistance from LDWP. For more information, call the Piatt USDA Service Center at 217-762-2146.